As I'm sure you will know if you know me personally or have read this blog previously but I am now home from a short break with my mum to Bologna. Being there in person has made things very real and whilst it's very exciting, it is also very scary!
I'll highlight a few things from the trip :)
Firstly, the weather. It was between 35 and 40 degrees every day and ALL day (37 degrees at 9pm), whilst this was lovely for 3 days, I sincerely hope it cools down by the time I arrive as my fragile pale skin and I may melt.
Secondly, the food. I can definitely see myself getting used the Mediterranean Italian diet. Caprese salad's (see below), pizza and pasta are to die for, and even those are topped by Italian gelato. I am also now a convert to anything coated in extra virgin olive oil or balsamic vinegar.
Thirdly, the architecture. Whilst studying History of Art for a year as a supplementary at University, I complained non-stop every time our lecturer would pull out a slide labelled 'Italian Architecture'. This is mainly because he was perhaps one of the most boring men I have ever met, it is also because as a technical subject, it's difficult. However visiting Italy for the first time I was utterly blown away by the beauty of the buildings. The Piazza Maggiore which is the main square of Bologna is breathtaking and the city is filled with arcades to walk through all designed with beautiful arches.
We attempted to find the university. We found the 'University District' but it was very quiet and very large and impossible to figure out our way around (as our map didn't cover this part of Bologna) but it did look very picturesque with the large floor to ceiling doors and more arcade walkways. I'm looking forward to deciphering my way around it with friends.
Overall it was a great trip. But as the title of this post says, it has made things very real, we now fly out to Bologna in 5 weeks today! (Just worked that out on my calender and almost had heart failure)
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