So I'm just sitting here and realising how easy it is to slip in and out of different mindsets and lifestyles. I mean, last week, I was British, organising, queuing, being on time...and this week, I'm Italian, crossing the road without looking, being the complete opposite of organised and generally just not really worrying that much.
There is no real method behind that musing, it is just something I'm observing about myself. It's like one sleep in my small single Italian bed and I wake up craving pasta and listening to Pavarotti (slight exaggeration..maybe).
Unfortunately I don't wake up being able to speak Italian. This is something that is still really bothering me. I am signed up to CILTA classes this semester, which are Italian language lessons. But I already missed 4 as I was still at home (and they didn't tell me when they begun), and one of them will always clash with lectures so its futile even attempting to attend. I do want to put in more effort to learning this language, but I will have more uni work to do this semester, as well as wanting to travel more and meet new people so it should be...interesting, or, predictable as I sack it all off in favour of a Friends and pyjama marathon.
I really am going to make an effort now I am back, to make the most of it as I have worked out that essentially, if you don't include exam time, we only have 3 months left here (12 weeks, approximately 84 days), and knowing how quickly time flies, I should pull my finger out and start taking advantage of this opportunity. The language really does hold you back though, I can't communicate with 6 out of my 7 housemates, I can't just go and sit in the kitchen with them because I don't have the foggiest what they are talking about, it can be pretty isolating. I'm just happy I do have English friends here because I can truthfully say I don't know what I would do without them!
I currently need to shower and get out of the house and be sociable! I am supposed to meeting people today, no real plans but just 'okay, I'll probably see you around tomorrow' - standard Italian socialising. I also need to do some food shopping, buy some notebooks for the new semester and some other essentials.
Emma and I have finally managed to pull something together with our timetable. It seriously takes hours to work out anything on the bloody 'UniBo' website. We've probably spent over 6-7 hours combined trying to figure out what we will be studying, their days and times, and whether they are taught in English. Nothing is set in stone yet but the modules definitely look...different. There is one I am looking forward to on the 'swinging sixties' and literature from that time. Another one on the 'antihero in post-postcolonial literature' or something along those lines, which sounds like it's up my alley apart from the teacher being generally terrifying, and then there's a random module called 'English Literature', however, it is on the 'folk revival' and has the words 'Bob Dylan' in it's title...this will be the real mind boggler.
I will write again next week and let you know how the modules are looking and how I have settled in.
Ciao for now <3